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Noa Sterling silver Ring with White Shell, Dimensions: 23.60 hight x 20.60 width mm.,Heart Shape ..
$21.00 $16.50
Noa Sterling silver Ring with Rhodochrosite, Dimensions: 23.60 hight x 20.60 width mm.,Heart Shap..
$21.60 $18.00
Noa Sterling silver Ring with Lapis Lazuli, Dimensions: 27.0 hight x 20.20 width mm.,O..
$50.00 $41.00
Noa Sterling silver Ring with Sponge Coral and white CZ, Dimensions: 28.10 hight x 24 width mm.,H..
$74.00 $58.50
Noa Sterling Silver Ring with Sponge Coral, Dimensions: 25 hight x 20.4 width mm.,Heart Shape 11x..
$28.00 $22.00
Noa Sterling silver pendant with white CZ
$62.76 $59.00